TDEE Calculator - Total Daily Energy Expenditure

TDEE, total daily energy expenditure, is the amount of energy in calories you burn per day. TDEE is best calculated by factoring in your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, and your activity level. BMR is the amount of calories you would burn per day at rest.

Your total daily energy expenditure includes all the energy you burn sleeping, working, exercising, and even eating. It is important to know your TDEE when trying to set up a proper bulking or cutting diet.

Your TDEE is often referred to in fitness articles as your calorie maintenance level. This is the amount of calories that is required per day to keep you are your current weight. After you know your total daily energy expenditure you can either add calories per day to gain bulk, or lower calories to cut fat.

Calculate Your TDEE

To calculate your TDEE, simply input your height, weight, age and current activity level. If you are not sure how active you are, use these guidelines.

  • No exercise - You are very sedentary. You have a desk job and get little to no exercise per day.
  • Light exercise - Light exercise or performing a sport 1-3 times per week.
  • Moderate exercise - Moderate exercise or performing a sport 3-5 times per week.
  • Heavy exercise - Hard exercise or performing a sport 6-7 times per week.
  • Extreme exercise - Intense daily exercise and/or difficult physical labor.

TDEE - Digging Deeper

When it comes to losing weight, it can feel like there is a lot of guesswork.

Calculating your TDEE — or total daily energy expenditure — will give you a close estimate of how many calories you burn throughout the day. TDEE is calculated by taking into account your basal metabolic rate and activity levels. We will cover more in-depth later about BMR, but it's essentially the calories your body uses for daily functions like keeping your heart beating, digestion, and other basic functions that keep you alive and healthy.

Your total daily energy expenditure takes a look at how many calories your body burns at rest and also takes into account the calories you burn at work, exercising, or eating. It's important to calculate your TDEE so you can set up a proper bulking or cutting diet.

Many professionals refer to your TDEE as your calorie maintenance level. Your calorie maintenance level is essentially the number of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight with your current activity levels. Once you calculate your total daily energy expenditure, you can start adding calories to build muscle, or removing calories so you can burn fat. This is a helpful tool to get you on the path to your fitness goals.